Trains vs Objects

May 26, 2011

Following on from the media hysteria following the sacking of a ticket office clerk for accessing the rails to remove a shopping trolley, I decided to do some research into just how strong trains are.  Following an exhaustive study I am now in a position to publish my findings.

Case 1 – When an irresistible force meets an immovable object

100mph train meets stationary nuclear flask = total destruction of locomotive and significant damage to passenger coaches causing serious injury & death.

Case 2 – When an irresistible force meets a movable object

Train travelling at mainline speed hits Renault Espace on level crossing = total destruction of car causing certain death to driver and passengers.  Damage to train = scratched paintwork.

Case 3 – When an irresistible force meets a minor object

Due to lack of data I had to use an American example for this case study.

Train travelling at approx 45-50mph hits shopping cart = train chews up trolley and swats it aside causing no damage to the train, no derailment and thus no fatalities of injuries to either train crew or passengers.


After viewing the above case studies I leave up to you dear readers the decision as to whether a person working at a station where trains pass at maximum 30mph is justified in leaping onto a rail line to remove a shopping trolley “to prevent a disaster”.  Especially when not holding a certificate allowing this.

As always, if you wish to air your views, please feel free to leave comments in the usual way.